Knowledge Base

Sharing Rules

With Joforce, you can define your own data sharing for your users. The sharing rules are set to the public by default. Joforce offers 4 types of sharing rules,

  • Private – Users can view only the records that are assigned to them and the records that are assigned to the subordinate users on the particular role.
  • Public Read only – All your users can view all the information in Joforce
  • Public Read, Create/ Edit – All your users can view, create and edit all the information
  • Public Read, Create/ Edit, Delete – Any information in Joforce can be viewed, created, edited, and deleted by any of your users.

Though you set the record permission as public read-only, your users can create, edit and delete records that are assigned to them and their subordinates. However, this can be changed using the profile permissions. To know more about the profile and sharing privileges, refer here.

Configuring the sharing rules in Joforce #

It enables you to configure sharing permissions across your organization. In Joforce, the rules are set to the public by default. You can also change the permissions according to your requirements. To configure the sharing rules,

  • Click on the Left SideBar → Settings → Navigate to the User Management section → Sharing Rules → Choose Sharing Rules from the drop-down.
  • Configure the new sharing rules based on the requirements.
  • Finally, click on Apply New Sharing Rules.

Creating custom sharing rules #

With Joforce, you can also create custom rules for sharing your information to fit your requirements. To create custom sharing rules,

  • Choose the appropriate module and click on the drop-down in the Advanced Sharing Rules
  • The rules that are defined already are listed here. To add new, click on Add Custom Rule. Now add the necessary information.
    • Products of – Choose the group or role from which the information is accessed
    • Can be accessed by – Choose the group or role to whom you want to provide the access
    • Then choose the Permissions i.e. either Read or Read and Write.
    • Eg: The module chosen is Deals, Deals of its marketing groups can be accessed by its sales groups and permissions are Read. This means that the Deals of the Marketing team can only be viewed by the Sales team.
  • Once done, click on Save.