How often you leave your home without your Mobile phone?
Almost it never happens. Mobile technology has drastically altered the way we do things. Not only in our personal life but also in our workforce. The concept of the “9 to 5” “Monday to Friday” workweek is diminishing. This is especially true for your sales team who are frequently away from the office for client meetings, attend events, or any other work. So Equipping your sales reps with a mobile CRM is essential, as they need to access your customer information at any time.

However office based CRM are powerful, but once you’re outside office you’re completely disconnected from the custom information managed in your CRM. Increasingly, booting up the laptop to know a simple customer information is not a viable option.
Here is our Joforce Mobile App for both Android and iOS devices, to empower your reps to close deals on the run. Mobile CRM not only provides flexibility, but also acts as a proven way to boost productivity and increase more sales.
Let’s roll out it’s features with a below scenario:
Finally, you’re on the road to meet one of your client. Initially you need to,
Locate your prospect
Not all your prospects location is a well known for you. So just open your mobile CRM, access your client info and click on map to locate your client and get accurate direction on Google Maps.
Make a final touch point
Once reached, your client’s location make a final connection to inform your client that you’re ready either via phone call or email or with a simple message.
Prepare for the meeting
Before you step up into the meeting, stay up-to-date about all your client meetings right from your phone.
Jot down meeting info
Each and every interaction with your client is essential, you can’t let them slip through cracks. Jot down all the information and add it as comments in the appropriate CRM record.
Plan your next schedule
Now successfully done with your meeting, plan your next meeting right away with a built-in calendar. Once done with all the works, go-through your calendar to know your next plan.
Not just mobile phone, we’ve given a unique design specifically designed for your iPad and Android Tablets making it more comfortable for you to work more easier.
Joforce Mobile CRM is packed with the right set of features to equip your sales reps to close deals in a more faster and efficient manner.
Not tried yet? Grab your App now

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